The Right Side of History

A collection of writings that attempt to connect the meaning of the major and minor events and distractions of today to a broader philosophy of life that tries to strip away the non-sense, spin and lies to reveal something that is closer to truth.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

We need to realize that we are all prisoners and the prison guards are ourselves. I am trying as hard as I can to divorce myself from my ego and this materialistic nightmare we have created and in the process awaken my spiritual self.

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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

All Is Not Lost: Comments On The DNC

Here are my thoughts on the Democratic National Convention.

I thought the Democratic Convention in Boston was quite historic, electrifying and above all unifying. Every speech seemed to be one of hope and inspiration particularly the Barack Obama speech which, in my opinion, will go down as kind of an "I Had A Dream" for the post-civil rights era. Unfortunately most people did not see it which flies in the face of the opinion that no "news" happens at these conventions.

I think that most people are purposely being turned off to the whole process but, in reality, if the elections are legitimate, the Bush wing is done. I doubt that ONE SINGLE PERSON who voted for Gore is going to vote for Bush while many who did vote for the clown are switching sides. I think the last hope of these guys, barring any shenanigans, is the evangelical right who they are trying to mobilize with a rallying cry of "Save Christian Civilization." That is what made the convention strategy brilliant.

The Democrats took the fight to the enemy so to speak. Their theme was God and Country from the trumpeting of Kerry's war record to every speaker saying God Bless America after every speech. By going on the offensive on their supposed weaknesses the Democrats are looking very strong.

Our last elected President, Bill Clinton, riding the crescent of popularity made more so by comparison, "checking his ego at the door" and using his masterful oratory skills to make the case for John Kerry and , more importantly, the Democratic Party by stating the simple but powerful sentence, "the Republicans NEED a divided America…WE don’t."

Our last elected Vice-President Al Gore humorously reminding the American People that HE not the current sitting President won the popular vote.

Al Sharpton, in an impassioned Gospel style, linked the present with the past by reminding the American people of the Mississippi civil rights murders and the terrible price that was paid for the right to vote and then telling the President directly, "Read my lips. Our vote is NOT for sale!"

Ex-President Jimmy Carter, looking like a religious sage, reminded everyone that he, like John Kerry, served in the Navy unlike the present commander and chief, and told a hushed Fleet Center, "this election is for the nation's soul."

A Reverend from South Carolina who was a shipmate of John Kerry in a swift boat on the Mekong Delta who testified Baptist style that, "I was 21 and running on fear and adrenaline," and "I survived to enjoy my children because of the grace of God that made John Kerry, with his steady leadership and cool under fire, the skipper of my boat."

Respected retired General Wesley Clark forcefully running off a list of "Great Democratic Commanders and Chiefs… Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman" reminding America that Democrats were traditionally strong on defense regardless of what the corporate and republican spin machine want you to believe.

Ex Democratic Senator Max Cleland, a triple amputee veteran of Vietnam, who has become a living symbol of McCarthyesque Republican politics of hatred and division, introducing Presidential nominee Senator John Kerry, surrounded by the men he served in Vietnam with where he won 3 Purple Hearts a Bronze and a Silver Star, pointing to the Stars and Stripes and shouting, "I fought for that flag and NOBODY is going to take it away from US" and then quoting Abraham Lincoln "I will not tell you God is on our side but I humbly pray that WE are on God’s side" all to thunderous cheers without a hint of disaffection.

Who are the Republicans going to have speak? Arnold Schwartzeneger, a lousy actor at best, making some kind of stupid pun on the word terminator? Rudy Giulliani? He will spend most of the time trying his hardest to convince HIMSELF, much less a disgusted public, that Bush is a strong leader when he knows PERSONALLY that when the chips were down Georgie boy huddled in a fetal position, whimpering uncontrollably, clutching a children’s book and wondering where the kindergartners kept the Scotch. Dick Cheney? His idea of an inspirational speech is to stare side eyed with a devious smirk on his face before telling someone to f**k off. George H W Bush? He is probably so embarrassed by the behavior of his kid that even the obscene amount of money he personally made from the war on Iraq can’t make him shake the feeling that he is part of something terribly wrong.

And what is Dubya going to do in NYC? Come out in that ridiculous flight suit, surrounded by the spoiled brats he sometimes served with in the "champagne unit" of the National Guard, talking about the good old days of eight balls, liquor and loose women?

Karl Rove probably messed his draws thinking about the ever growing "credibility gap" of the loser he is saddled up with.

Turn Out The Lights,
The Party’s Over
Sixth Army


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