The Right Side of History

A collection of writings that attempt to connect the meaning of the major and minor events and distractions of today to a broader philosophy of life that tries to strip away the non-sense, spin and lies to reveal something that is closer to truth.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

We need to realize that we are all prisoners and the prison guards are ourselves. I am trying as hard as I can to divorce myself from my ego and this materialistic nightmare we have created and in the process awaken my spiritual self.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006


NY Post

The front page of today's NY Post


I promised myself that I would not blog on this subject because, quite frankly, it is too easy. Besides, I wrote an extensive post on Mel awhile back (The Passion of the Patriot) so what was the point? But then I saw the above pictured front page and I just couldn’t resist. The situation is just too ridiculous for words.

What we have here is a major Hollywood star who has recently been dogged by accusations of anti-semitism…charges he vehemently denied…while getting busted for drunk driving going on an out-of-control tirade which included chestnuts such as:

To a Jewish Police Officer…

“Fucking Jews! Jews are responsible for all the wars in this world. Are you a Jew?”

To a female Police Officer…

“What are you looking at…Sugar Tits?”

To everybody…

“I’m going to fuck you. You’re going to regret you ever did this to me. I own Malibu.”

Couple this outrageous dialogue with the photo of Gibson draped over two young blondes, obviously tanked, and I am able to paint a very distinct mental image of what happened on Friday night/Saturday morning at 2:30 AM. That is when Mel decided to get all liquored up and drive 85 in a 45 MPH zone.

Let’s face it…this is fucking hilarious.

But as I continued reading…and laughing…I came across this picture:

Mug shot

It’s Gibson’s mug shot obtained by The Smoking Gun. Something about it kind of gets me down. He looks terrible and not in that Nick Nolte wild way but more of just a sad aged way. This is not the “Martin Briggs” Mel of Lethal Weapon but more of just a thinning hair clown who probably has some serious problems...both mental and physical.

The front page doesn’t feel as funny to me any more.

This is a man who grew up in a strict household run by a notorious “Holocaust Denier,” a belief whose practice of is far beyond my meager comprehension that I will not pretend to understand it. I am sure the impressionable pre-teen Mel heard the expression “This country is run on Jew money” many times at the dinner table. Then as a man in Hollywood, I am sure he was double-crossed and screwed by some Jewish “studio suit” or two over his 30 plus year career, which just reinforced his opinion about “them.” And now, obviously disillusioned about the pot of gold he has been chasing his whole life, in the throes of alcoholism, he is more and more becoming his father.

Even if you don’t agree with that ludicrously over simplified life arc I provided one thing is abundantly clear: He does not like himself very much.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not defending his point of view. It is one that has been used for the last thousand years by village elders, town criers and national governments whenever blame needs to be averted from the actual source. And this belief in “The Eternal Jew” has led to some of the most despicable behavior mankind has ever exhibited be it the rape and murders of the never-ending Russian Pogroms, the grotesque sadistic torture of the Spanish Inquisition or the unspeakable acts of the Holocaust...all of which was state/church sanctioned

So I don’t let Gibson off the hook for his more and more apparent embracing of an ideology that will lead us yet again to human depravity. But at this point, he looks like a man who needs some serious help and I never liked kicking a guy when he is down.

If I did, I would be a Republican.

But the bigger question this whole episode raises is this: Why is “scapegoating” (a practice that dates back to Biblical times) so widely embraced on the personal level by so many? Is our own reality so hard to face that we can’t exist without a shadowy bogeyman? Is the horror you find within so unbearable that you need something without to explain the pain? Isn’t this philosophy of hate just a never-ending mantra of “If only...If only?”

When I think that there are people in this country...or on this planet for that matter...who are actually convinced that there is a Jewish conspiracy that is “keeping us down,” depression doesn’t half describe how I feel.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A more interesting point of this picture of Gibson at the police station, is that the picture actually looks like Gibson was able to clean himself up...perhaps shower...coife his hair...etc., before the mugshot was taken. (More stuff to argue about when they say he was given preferential treatment because of who he is). I don't think this picture looks bad at all of Gibson...sort of like a studio headshot almost. It does appear as if Gibson was given the opportunity to clean himself up before the mugshot was taken. Niceely combed hair, shirt buttoned "conservitivly," (and if you notice, the sweaty t-shirt he was wearing at the bar, is also missing from the mugshot). So, yes, I think he was probably allowed to clean-up in the station shower before he was photoraphed. So there is certainly no question, when it concerns busted celebrites, that they mostly get the preferential treatment. Except, in those mughots of Gary Busey..or even the mugshot of Glenn Camppbell...those were two who one could definitely tell that they looked as if they needed some sort of help. Those were truly pathetic mugshots as compared to the mugshot of Gibson.

I don't know...when I saw the mugshot of Gibson, to me he appeared to be someone who is brighteyed and bushytailed, and not someone who just got arrested and was thrown into the booking house and photographed immediatey. As opposed to other "victims" of mugshots, this was a picture than can be used as just another one of his production headhots. To me, he looks happy in this picture. But I guess, to others, it might appear that he looks pathetic.

And the comment about not kicking someone when they are down. If you did this, then you would be a "reublican." I laugh at that statement, as the eptiome of this type of behavior is clearly shown by Hower Dean, the "leader" of the democratic party. There is a man who lays in wait, waiting for the President of some other republican to be down in the ratings, down in the dumps, and then he "pounces" on them.

8/02/2006 5:51 PM  
Blogger Rick said...

Anonymous wrote (unintentionally, I think, but humorously, nonetheless): "reublican". Did you mean rubelican (as in people who vote republican? Lame, I know, but that's what I thought of just before I laughed out loud...).
I do think, though, your observations about the 'cleaned-up Mel' mugshot are probably right.

8/03/2006 9:44 AM  
Blogger Larry B said...


I agree with both of you guys about the quality of the mug shot and it seems they allowed Briggs to clean up a bit.

The reason why it got me down...and took all the fun out of knocking Mad Max...was the sadness of the situation. Here is a 50 year old man who seemingly has it all...Wife, Family, Property, Fame, Good Will...yet finds himself being booked for DWI after getting completely hammered at a local booze joint with people probably half his age because, evidently, those things are not enough.

Yes, he does look good for his age, but he has aged, like we all do, and maybe that is why I don’t find it as funny as I initially did. So, I hear ya.

It’s more of a “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” sort of thing.

Thanks for the comments!

8/04/2006 1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Mad Mel does not look pathetic in his mugshot. But, I don't think Mel looks happy, brighteyed or bushytailed at all. He looks like an alchoholic thinking about his past indiscretions and wondering what life even means. Spaced out, sadly reflective? Yes. Happy? No.

And the comment about not kicking someone when they are down. If you did this, then you would be a "reublican." I laugh at that statement, as the eptiome of this type of behavior is clearly shown by Hower Dean, the "leader" of the democratic party. There is a man who lays in wait, waiting for the President of some other republican to be down in the ratings, down in the dumps, and then he "pounces" on them.

Out of curiosity, what the hell are you talking about? I'm pretty sure Howard Dean has been criticizing Bush when it wasn't popular to do so.

8/04/2006 9:17 PM  

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