The Right Side of History

A collection of writings that attempt to connect the meaning of the major and minor events and distractions of today to a broader philosophy of life that tries to strip away the non-sense, spin and lies to reveal something that is closer to truth.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

We need to realize that we are all prisoners and the prison guards are ourselves. I am trying as hard as I can to divorce myself from my ego and this materialistic nightmare we have created and in the process awaken my spiritual self.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Rum-Tum-Tugger is the Coolest Cat

I cant believe the news today
I cant close my eyes and make it go away
How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long?
How long...

U 2
Sunday, Bloody Sunday


In a previous post - (Election Eve Special) - I urged the American public to vote for the Democratic candidate, no matter who they were, to finally put an end to this man made disaster that has been going on in our country. Well, evidently, my endorsement put the Democrats over the top because the results of the election can only be described as a clean sweep. The Democratic Party has gained control of the House and the Senate so, if anything, they will be at least relevant again. Of course, I can’t take all the credit for this glorious victory. As it turns out, the fringe concepts of honoring human rights and providing help for the middle and lower classes weren’t as off the wall as the 24 hour-a-day/seven-day-a-week plethora of talking heads would have us believe.

But make no mistake about it, the election swung primarily on one issue: Dissatisfaction with the War. Either being against it out right or just disgusted with the Administration’s prosecution of it, men and women, from Kentucky to Montana, came out in droves and said unequivocally Enough and cast their votes against the Republican Party.

In the aftermath of this landslide…and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s resignation which was probably caused by said landslide…cable news networks were all a buzz. Since I was hungry for some commentary about the who, why and how of this rebirth of freedom, I decided to enter the minefield of the Chris Matthews and Joe Scarboroughs of the world. The Zahns, the Coopers and the Blitzers, all rounding up the usual gang of idiots to throw their two cents in, verbally doing a victory dance or funeral dirge depending on which party they are shilling for. And, believe me, there were so many to choose from. Channel after channel were filled with overwhelming graphics, ridiculous color coded pie charts and close-up facial expressions of angry little men. The cumulative effect of this barrage was me hitting the remote, switching over to the USA network to watch Law and Order: Criminal Intent.

Alas, I had already seen that particular episode.

So after about twenty minutes I turned to PBS and the “Jim Lehrer New Hour.” It had been awhile since I watched this show, but I always felt that over the years they kept their dignity while all around them succumbed to the “we are a bunch of clowns in a funny car” approach to political news developed by The McLaughlin Group over twenty years ago. I was just in time to see Dov Zakheim, the former Under Secretary of Defense, discussing the legacy of his former boss, Don Rumsfeld. I only caught the tail end of the interview. It was a pretty straightforward exchange:

INTERVIEWER: Is it his (Rumsfeld) responsibility that some of these big things didn't happen, like recognizing that insurgency was starting to gather strength in Iraq?

ZAKHEIM: A lot of people didn't recognize it was gathering strength. The reason was that, if you recall in the first year after the war, you didn't have anything like this level of insurgency. So it caught a lot of people by surprise.

And there in lies the rub.

A lot of people DID know!!! Before the war started, MANY speculated on what would be needed to “win the peace.” During the “liberation” MANY people pointed out the possible consequences of the disastrous decisions being made in the Pentagon. And at the start of the occupation MANY people understood the possible ramifications of our policies which have all come true. But the “they” who...accurately as it turns out...anticipated events were either fired, discredited or treated as cowards and traitors. At every step of the way, they were viewed as people “with an agenda who want to see us lose the war.” The Pentagon and the Whitehouse surrounded themselves with Yes Men creating a cocoon of optimism ignoring all information and opinions to the contrary.

So, when Zakheim comes on PBS, the day after the electorate overwhelmingly reject his Party’s plan and vision, and his Guru resigns to the sound of cheering in the streets and defends these fuck-ups with a “well a lot of people were fooled” excuse, I think he HONESTLY believes it because the secretive, paranoid culture THEY created discouraged any dissent.

This is what Rumsfeld had to say to the gathered reporters the other day. THIS is how he sees his tumultuous tenure:

“The great respect that I have for your leadership, Mr. President, in this little understood, unfamiliar war, the first war of the 21st century -- it is not well-known, it was not well-understood, it is complex for people to comprehend. And I know, with certainty, that over time the contributions you've made will be recorded by history.”

Too complex and incomprehensible, heh?

Maybe he is right. The situation in Iraq is certainly complex. I mean, when the power structure of a society, full of distrusting tribal sensibilities being held together by a totalitarian strong man…NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU THINK HE IS…is ripped out by a foreign power, it would be extremely wise and prudent to have a specific, well thought out plan to prevent a complete breakdown of the social order. When that easily predictable situation started to occur, this is what Rummy had to say:

“Freedom's untidy and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things. They're also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And that's what's going to happen here…stuff happens.”

That must have gone over well with working class Iraqis who were living a somewhat normal pre-invasion existence.

I guess, in retrospect, Rummy’s farewell remarks are really on the money because how a man who makes such ridiculous, asinine, harmful statements can keep his job for as long as he did is incomprehensible. Until the Republican Party sheds itself of these self-deluded, closed minded, dangerous ideologues, the ones who have been the party’s high command for the last ten years, THEY are the ones who should be considered irrelevant.

In other words, instead of consulting with Jesus in the Rose Garden about life and death decisions affecting millions of people, or relying on objective rational analysis from officers like Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, a career military man who made the following statements…

“…we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian ... and the enemy is a guy named Satan.”

“I knew my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol.”

“We in the army of God, in the house of God, kingdom of God have been raised for such a time as this.”

“He's (Bush) in the White House because God put him there.”

…maybe these guys should have considered the opinions of General Shinseki, a man who was eventually ran out of town for committing the sin of saying that the Emperor had no clothes.

Not too long after my post debuted on Monday…and subsequently changed the world…an Anonymous poster implied that my call for partisan voting (“Democrat, straight down the line”) was unreasonable. When I tried to explain that it was the reality of our two-party system that had led me to such a drastic conclusion I was, as usual, accused of playing the “Blame Game.”

Obviously, as the Republican Party has proven over the last six years, government needs to start working on a bi-partisan basis. Completely shutting the other party out of the legislative process, as the Republican Party has proven over the last six years, leads to some disastrous choices, dividing a nation on both domestic and foreign affairs, almost to the point of irreconciliation. I, for one, hope there is not too much vengeance. Yes, I want to see investigations immediately…IMMEDIATELY…into the rampant war profiteering that has been going on unchecked; the outrageous infringement of our civil rights; and “punish” the most egregious criminals. Basically I want the return of Constitutional Law. But I do not really need to see the “payback” that I am sure some will (justifiably) be chomping at the bit to get. Although it will feel good, humiliating the opposition wouldn’t really fix the problem or fill the hole we find ourselves in. We ALL have to be adults and straighten this shit out. Every interview I have seen with any of the Democrats these past few days, from McCaskal to Pelosi (Yes…Pelosi) seems to indicate that they are going to take the high road… even at the risk of offending some of their more rabid constituency which, more often then not, I find myself in. But outweighing the sheer pleasure I would have in seeing a whole bunch of these guys pilloried in the town square is the very real sense that we are in some serious trouble and the only way to get out of it is to work together.

So, with my optimistic feeling of “seeing a light at the end of the tunnel,” I opened up the New York Post this morning.

It was a huge mistake.

Post Cartoon

Dear Anonymous:

How are Democrats suppose to cooperate with Republicans when they are being portrayed as weak, cowardly and in league with terrorists? Yes, I know this is just some political cartoon in a completely useless feces covered sheet of toilet paper, but hasn’t this idea been the central theme of every Republican campaign since 9-11? Haven’t these draft dodging jerks attempted to scare the public into thinking their opposition…incredibly combat veterans in some cases…are weak and cowardly and are being cheered on by Osama bin-Laden?

This is completely disgusting.

I think these guys…the Ralph Reeds, Dick Cheneys, Pat Robertsons, etc, the influential Republicans who have pretty much controlled the direction of the party since Pat Buchanan made that deplorable keynote speech at the RNC in 1992 are either

Fully aware they are laying down a repulsive con that is destroying this country just to make themselves rich or,

If they truly believe this horse shit that they directly, or through surrogates, saturate the public with, despise the United States of America and everything this great country stands for.

I am still excited about the changes in Washington and there will be, for the next two years anyway, accountability and adulthood brought back to representative government for the first time since Bill Clinton (YES…Bill Clinton). But, please Anonymous, when you have one party, in 2002, only a few months after the worst assault upon this country - an attack that unified this entire nation and possibly a majority of the globe - accuse the opposition party of not being patriotic because they didn’t support a tax bill that would make the richest even more richer or some such nonsense like that…do not tell me that it is unreasonable to become partisan.

I plead self defense.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment is below the below copy of the receny Blog entry, from the author of this Blog.

"So, with my optimistic feeling of “seeing a light at the end of the tunnel,” I opened up the New York Post this morning."

Dear Anonymous:

"How are Democrats suppose to cooperate with Republicans when they are being portrayed as weak, cowardly and in league with terrorists? Yes, I know this is just some political cartoon in a completely useless feces covered sheet of toilet paper, but hasn’t this idea been the central theme of every Republican campaign since 9-11? Haven’t these draft dodging jerks attempted to scare the public into thinking their opposition…incredibly combat veterans in some cases…are weak and cowardly and are being cheered on by Osama bin-Laden?"

What is wrong with this cartoon? Obviously it is portraying the political leaning of the cartoonist, (so no need to question that), but it is right on the button. This is exactly what probably has taken place, with these people being portrayed celebrating the election of a democrat majority in the United States. It has long been known, due to the speeches, writings, etc., of the democratic leadership, that the enemies of the United States prefer to have democrats in control, because they feel that they will be handled in such a "nice" way. No one else to blame for this chain of thought other than the democrats, (to be fair, not all democrats fit this category, but a najority do), as they are the ones who put forth the feeings of, "Oh, how these enemies should be treated with kid gloves." That way of thinking has not worked in the past, so why do they continue to think it will work now? Isn't the saying that if history isn't learned from, then history will repeat itself again, whether good or bad?

As to to the question of how are democrats suppose to coperate with republicans when they are being portrayed as weak, cowardly, and in league with terrorists? That just sounds like gibberish and hypocrisy. On the one hand you are saying that you have "witnessed," since the democratic takeover, the democrats reaching out to work with the republicans. Then this statement questions the ability of the democrats to do such a thing. As with any type of accusations against anyone, if the democrats feel that they are being "portrayed as weak, cowardly, and in league with terrorists," then let them prove otherwise. Now is their time to shine. They have the control, so let them use this control wisely, and prove themselves to be so much stronger than they are presently portrayed as. Unless, of course, one says, (such as the author), that this portrayal is totally false and something that was made up by others, then they have nothing to prove. Let's hope the latter is not true, for if it is, there will be a lot worse things happening between now and the next couple of years.

11/11/2006 1:35 PM  
Blogger Larry B said...

Bill Maher on Friday brought this up on Friday, Evidently a Fox News internal memo has been uncovered by It was issued right after the election. In it contained this statement:

"Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents who must be Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress"

You can read the whole thing HERE.

This kind of fair and balanced repettitive reporting is why these smears become "known" and not because they are reality.

But, in the larger sense of my post, how is there suppose to be cooperation when one side uses reason while the other uses raw emotions fueled on perceptions that they have generated themselves?

Personally, I'm estatic that there are adults in charge again.

Thanks for the comment!

11/19/2006 2:03 PM  

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