The Right Side of History

A collection of writings that attempt to connect the meaning of the major and minor events and distractions of today to a broader philosophy of life that tries to strip away the non-sense, spin and lies to reveal something that is closer to truth.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

We need to realize that we are all prisoners and the prison guards are ourselves. I am trying as hard as I can to divorce myself from my ego and this materialistic nightmare we have created and in the process awaken my spiritual self.

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Monday, July 25, 2005

Don't Need None of that Mad Max Bullshit


Front Page

This was the front page of the Daily News today.

Page 2

This was page two and three.

I’m sorry if you can’t read it to clearly, but the gist of the article is that, yesterday at about 11:35 AM, on a Gray Line tour bus in midtown Manhattan, the police responded to a call from the bus driver reporting some suspicious people on the tour.

The driver (Pictured lower left) is quoted as saying:

"I was definitely frightened from the beginning.
That’s human nature."

The police forced all the passengers off at gunpoint and searched all their belongings. (Pictured upper and lower right)

The five tourists who the driver thought were the culprits were hand cuffed and forced to kneel on the street while the police searched the bags. (Pictured lower right)

According to the article:

Fear grew when cops ordered everyone to put their hands up and walk off the bus – leaving their bags to be searched.

"You want to talk about real terror?" (Kathy) Arrigio’s husband, Robert said. "There were two little girls with their parents who were just terrified. They were crying uncontrollably."

I guess they’re not coming back to see "The Lion King" any time soon.

Here’s another example of freedom:

Cops raced into a McDonald’s nearby and told workers to shut down the place and get out as fast as they could.

"The cops just came in and said to evacuate the building and to run," said McDonald’s employee Catherine Melendez.

Now, granted, this is the News' version of the events and I didn’t get a chance to see the Post’s idea of truth. They probably had something like, "The heroes apprehended a bunch of darkies…" etc. etc.

But either way you look at it, NOTHING was found.

The bottom line is Midtown Manhattan was shut down for at least an hour in Mid Day. A bunch of tourists were treated to some old school police work. A bunch of McDonald’s patrons were forced to flee in a near panic.

All because some driver didn’t like the way some one looked.

I read the article five times and NO WHERE in it did the writer/reporter ask anything to the effect of

How could this possibly happen in America?

That damn liberal media!!!!

But, lets just look at the facts:

Almost immediately after 9/11, this administration, through it’s policy of "pre-emptive strike," have whole heartedly embraced imperialism. Now before you say, "The best defense is a good offense," the target of our aggression had absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the United States. The terrorist network responsible for that is still operating with impunity.

We have A fully operational concentration camp located in Cuba. The last time this country embraced such an anti-constitutional inhuman institution was during World War II when we decided to round up anybody who happened to be a Japanese American, stripped them of their businesses and property and threw them, men, women and children in disgraceful "detention centers" for purposes of "national security." The only crime they committed was being of Japanese descent. Any American citizen, with a hint of compassion, considers the actions of the U.S. government at that time to be a serious stain on our history with no justification whatsoever.

(As a side note, Michelle Malkin, a hopelessly ridiculous conservative lap dog, recently wrote a book entitled "In Defense of Internment: The Case For Racial Profiling." Just look at the title. Totally disgusting.)

Mayor Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, has instituted a policy of "random searches" of any bag you may be carrying. I want to repeat that. If you are walking, with a bag, valise or purse, a police officer can look through it, just because he wants to. I guess the fourth amendment doesn’t have the same weight it used to.

How about this quaint little piece of rhetoric from the first amendment, "Congress shall make no law…abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." During last year’s Republican convention, Bloomberg’s goon squads arrested thousands of people and kept them in a cage for well over 48 hours JUST FOR SAYING that they thought our President was wrong. I guess that one means nothing either.

Here’s a juicy little nugget from the sixth amendment; "…the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed." Well, with our concentration camp in full swing, not only is "habeas corpus" out the window but YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO COMMIT A CRIME!!! Didn’t we use to believe in these things? Why the hell did we write them at all?


Chicago in 2006?

And now we got a heavily armed para-military unit, in the middle of Times Square, forcing a bunch of tourists off one of those double decker tour buses with their hands in the air like they are a surrendering enemy army all because the bus driver, "…thought they looked suspicious."

But, you’re right.

Why should we give a shit?

Fear Factor is starting in a few minutes.

Have another one...on me.
Sixth Army


Blogger Paul O'Connell said...

I'm sure somebody is going to challenge this illegal search and seizure... in court... I hope.

This reminds me of the movie., "The Fifth Element" by Luc Besson with Bruce Willis. I know you hated the movie but remember the scene when the police come to Willis' building. Everybody is demanded to assume the position(There's even a specified place to do that out side the apartment) As everyone is complying with this "request", a voice says, "This is for your own safety. Thank You for your cooperation."

I can understand peoples initial fears, thinking that this will protect them. But we know how people can use that fear to their own ends. Before you know it there are certain things you can no longer do or say like you once were able to. And over time, the more power that is given authority, the harder it will be to get it back if ever or at least without some kind of fight.

Either this fear is so strong or people are really stupid because they don't see or want to see any kind of parallels between history(Vietnam or Fascism in Europe) If you compare it to somethings like that they immediately cry foul or think you are making an exact comparison. They don't do nuance. You know the old saying "those who forget are doomed to repeat."

Then just look at 1984 by Orwell. Look at the double speak today. Been to any Free- speech zones like during the conventions last year. In the book they are fighting an endless war like our war on terrorism. Expect Bush to create the position of Freedom Czar soon.

And speaking of last year's presidential elections, this is something that everyone should be irate over. People were tossed out of and is some cases arrested at Pro Bush events for wearing shirts critical of Bush. These weren't shirts that said things like "Bush is a lying sack of shit" even though that should be allowed anyway but these were shirts that displayed the name Bush with a line a red line through it or "Bring home our troops now.

We truly have a bunch of assholes in charge and a lot of assholes following.

7/26/2005 3:15 PM  
Blogger Larry B said...

Assholes in this government? No way.

But think of it this way, Bill Clinton for eight years was called every name you can think of. Some of these serious dysfunctionals STILL can’t stop calling him juvenile names.

I remember vividly in the late 1990s, during the whole cock suck thing, an unenlightened co-worker of mine was talking on the phone saying, and I quote, “He (Clinton) is a HORROR. There is NO WAY he is not going to resign. HE HAS BEEN A REAL HORROR!”

I am sure he was responding to the caller asking something completely ridiculous like, “What’s the big deal?”

This same turd STILL supports Bush after not one, not two, but five years of this horse shit. I guess his righteous outrage is only reserved for sexual conduct between consenting adults AND NOT fucking up this country from top to bottom. Oh well.

And for the ones out there saying, “It wasn’t about sex…it was because he lied.” To be blunt, after witnessing THIS President’s performance and you still have the unmitigated nerve to say such total non-sense, you deserve either an academy award or a serious “IQ reevaluation.”

And before you clever types come up with something thought provoking like, “…But the world has changed since 9/11,” just please do like Stacey Keach and “Stop the madness” already. The fact is THE WORLD did not change, it was always a dangerous place, only our attitudes have changed.

What do I mean?

After this horrific incident depicted in my article, if this was 1998 (Remember those years when peace and prosperity was actual and not just some rhetoric coming out of sexually repressive’s asshole?) the first reaction would have been, “Whoa, what the hell went wrong there. Some serious heads are going to roll!”

The reaction today is “thank God we weren’t blown up.”

One day they’re going to find SOMETHING using these new militaristic/anti-American tactics and the “leaders” that be will hail it as, “A great victory for freedom” and press for even more “Legal intrusion” into our lives.

The electorate will actually go along, happy that they weren’t blown up another day, gladly handing over any dignity that was fought for and won.

A dignity that certainly wasn’t free.

From Sam Adams, dressed as a Native American throwing over a box of tea in Boston Harbor to the coal and steel workers who, in the face of armed company men and the United States Government itself, stood up and said our lives had worth to the three civil rights workers who were brutally murdered in a Mississippi shithole because they dared to say The Constitution of the United States MEANS something.

If you refuse to see what the hell is going on around you and/or simply don’t care, then there is really nothing I can say.

2 + 2 = 4 End of debate.

But, and again how is it possible? If you are “on the fence” or just concerned about the blatant attempt to make our country into a fascist regime, DON’T EVER LET ANYONE BULLY YOU AND CALL YOU “UN-AMERICAN” FOR SAYING IT!!!!

I read the Declaration of Independence AND I’m not going to shut up!!!!

7/26/2005 5:44 PM  

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