The Right Side of History

A collection of writings that attempt to connect the meaning of the major and minor events and distractions of today to a broader philosophy of life that tries to strip away the non-sense, spin and lies to reveal something that is closer to truth.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

We need to realize that we are all prisoners and the prison guards are ourselves. I am trying as hard as I can to divorce myself from my ego and this materialistic nightmare we have created and in the process awaken my spiritual self.

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Half-Baked Cube Hits


1) You will never achieve any peace or contentment if you view the world as a referendum on you.

2) I find that most situations in life can be dealt with by using some lines from the movie Arthur:


Sir, it is really not my place to say.
On the other hand go screw yourself.

3) Does anyone else feel that John Oates got paid a whole shit load of money to play rhythm guitar?

4) The other day as I thumbed through some paperwork in my cube I had an epiphany. A society who allows a person to live comfortably producing this horse hooey all day is doomed to fail.

5) I contacted a Nobel Prize winning mathematician the other day. I asked him to calculate the mathematical probability of someone called England Dan meeting a guy named John Ford Coley. I haven't heard back from him yet but I would guess that it would be at least four to one.

6) Oh my sweet Jesus...

Hair Peace

Bill Gates appearing in Teen Beat magazine in 1983.

7) I am feeling very optimistic about the near future. I feel we are on the cusp of a cultural explosion directly analogous to 1966. But the moment some guy like Jim Croce shows up it's all over.

In other words we must be on our guard...and I mean REALLY on our guard...because with extreme freedom of expression comes the truly horrific specter of some Gabe Kaplan looking mother-fucker, ass plopped down on a wooden stool next to some sycophantic jack ass, strumming their guitars, singing melodically pleasing balless trash, while nameless, personality challenged, indoctrinated drones sit sheepishly cross legged, blankly what they have no idea.

Next stop Reagan.

8) When I was in the 8th grade I had a Social Studies teacher by the name of Mr. Kotin. Naturally, being thirteen year old boys, we called him Kotex.

Anyway, during one of his many snooze-fests at I.S. 364 in Brooklyn, the subject of World War II came up. I admit I completely forget in what context. I remember I raised my hand and said, “You know when you think about it, WW II was really good for America,” to which he replied “That is ridiculous,” and moved on to someone else who recited something from some outdated textbook.

My thought was that before we entered the war we were in a state of economic depression and somewhat subservient isolation. Afterwards we were the top dog of the world whose population not only had “a chicken in every pot” but two cars in every garage. For the most part that is. For expressing that incredibly simplistic yet somewhat truthful idea, I was pretty much told to shut up.

Mr. Kotin wasn’t a bad guy individually but you really have to question a society whose institutions deplore provocative statements from intellectually developing children instead of exploring their meanings and consequences.

9) In public restrooms, I feel that it is a huge etiquette no-no to deuce and dialog.



Blogger Paul O'Connell said...

Right on with the Mr. Kotin incident.

yo man why you dissing Croce

12/17/2006 3:18 AM  
Blogger Jimmy076 said...

Croce was the man!His contributions should not be understated.

"Big Bad Leroy Brown" inspired RUN DMC
"Time in a Bottle" ended the cold war.
"Operator" started the internet.
and "Don't mess around with Jim" hindered terrorism for years

Wow I came up with 4 Croce songs off the top of my head, how fucked up am I?


12/17/2006 2:02 PM  
Blogger Larry B said...

I will personally always associate Croce with hard core AM radio. All the songs mentioned I can picture playing out of that “state of the art” sound system my Dad had installed in the 1973 AMC Hatchback Hornet we used to own. (Basically he insisted on having those push button channel pre-set things instead of just a plain tuning knob.) It also was a pretty grim time for main stream popular music. “Artists” like Ringo and David Essex were all over the airwaves producing really banal trash. Hell, I remember one time back in the day my father saying that “Alone Again…Naturally” was the greatest song ever written. A statement I am sure he would chuckle at if he was alive today.

But I didn’t really mean to attack The Crocster as harsh as I did because, in reality, he is just laying down his thing and, evidently, there are many people who groove to it. My warning was more about the state such passive feel good material ultimately leads to. Because although Croce is himself benign, the situation created allows the next guy who might not be so well intentioned reap the reward of willful docility.

And I know that is a way over simplification of the social and cultural forces shaping our own recent history but I feel that the whole “singer/songwriter” period was a pretty awful time for mainstream music and that it is no accident what directly followed the Cat Stevens, the James Taylors and the Gordon Lightfoots was a shot of Poco with an England Dan and John Ford Coley chaser.

With a population primed by such introspective, uninspiring paralysis is it really such a surprise when the people opt for material greed lined with a base alloy of prudish sexual hypocrisy?

And I didn’t even mention Terry Jacks…

Thanks for the comments!

12/19/2006 4:02 PM  

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