The Right Side of History

A collection of writings that attempt to connect the meaning of the major and minor events and distractions of today to a broader philosophy of life that tries to strip away the non-sense, spin and lies to reveal something that is closer to truth.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

We need to realize that we are all prisoners and the prison guards are ourselves. I am trying as hard as I can to divorce myself from my ego and this materialistic nightmare we have created and in the process awaken my spiritual self.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's About Time!!!!!


Any followers of this blog (Thank You for your patronage!!) must have noticed I haven’t written any overt political articles in awhile.

In fact, I think the last one was right after the November election or as I refer to it as “The Descent into the Maelstrom.” The fact is that the results of that horror show put me in such an ultra depressed mood about the state of our society.

I attempted to escape into meaningless pop culture type subjects. I was a defeated ostrich. I made sure I had my up-to-date passport and my original certified baptismal certificate easily accessible Just in case hordes of fools showed up at my door with pitchforks and torches.

I would blankly stare at my television set with my only friends being a dismissive pair of cats, a menthol filter and a tumbler half-full of cheap whiskey, resigned to the fate of our society. Waiting listlessly for the tragic end of the American Experiment.

Well, I’m still here so, guess what?


I’ m right back in this bitch!

Did you ever, while making the “plain as the nose on your face” observation that the policies of the present administration have put the United States in a disastrous position in Iraq to a Bush supporter/enabler, have run across the following retort?

The problem with you __________ (Democrats, Liberals, Communists, Free Thinkers who hold on to the belief that 2 + 2 = 4) is that you only can point out the problems with out having any solutions.

Besides the obvious give away that their thought process is primitive and simplistic by their immediate need to label you as some part of a group, this statement is no rebuttal at all but, do not kid yourself, it requires a great deal of skill to defuse.

So, the next time it happens to you, and for some reason you don’t walk away and view the orator the same way Fundamentalist Born Again Christians view me, as a lost soul, here are two ways you can tackle this uninformed sheep.

With Reason

I highly recommend you avoid this tactic, but if your sense of sanity forces you to meet this challenge with considered ideas go to PDA and print it out. The site contains a point by point strategy to get us the hell out of America’s latest quagmire in an attempt to salvage as much dignity as possible from this irreversible mess.

Again it all makes sense but most likely it will fall on deaf ears because your quarry will sense that you actually thought about your answer.

Fight Fire With Fire

Here is a complete list of the White House Cabinet. It is accurate because I copied it from the official web site

The President: George W Bush
The Vice President: Richard B. Cheney
Environmental Protection Agency: Stephen Johnson
Office of National Drug Control Policy: John Walters
White House Chief of Staff: Andrew H. Card, Jr.
Office of Management and Budget: Joshua B. Bolten
Department of Housing & Urban Development: Secretary Alphonso Jackson
United States Trade Representative: Ambassador Rob Portman
Department of Homeland Security: Secretary Michael Chertoff
Department of Veterans Affairs: Secretary Jim Nicholson
Department of Health & Human Services: Secretary Michael O. Leavitt
Department of the Treasury: Secretary John Snow
Department of Transportation: Secretary Norman Mineta
Department of Energy: Secretary Samuel W. Bodman
Department of Education: Secretary Margaret Spellings
Department of State: Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Department of Defense: Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Department of Labor: Secretary Elaine Chao
Department of Commerce: Secretary Carlos Gutierrez
Department of Justice : Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
Department of Agriculture :Secretary Mike Johanns
Department of the Interior: Secretary Gale Norton

On the site, each name is accompanied by a picture and, let me tell you, I had to double check the address because once I saw these grotesques staring at me, each with an insidious plastic smile that barely concealed their inhuman lack of compassion, I thought I accidentally stumbled upon a new Wes Craven or George A. Romero Movie Web Site. Nope, they weren’t B actors portraying the latest screen ghouls; it was our “elected” government.

Even if your adversary thinks you don’t have “the answers” doesn’t the fact that he/she thinks there NEEDS to be answers imply there is a serious problem?

If that is the case then, at the VERY LEAST, every single one of these clowns should be held accountable for our current mess.

It is all on them.

They should all be thrown out of government (In a perfect world in leg irons) and NEVER be allowed to have ANY kind of authority over anything ever again.

They are drunk drivers who wreck your car and then blame you for lending them the keys.

Oh, and remember one more name when you read off this rouges gallery to your war supporting friend:

Marine Cpl. Chad W. Powell
Age 22
from West Monroe, LA

These guys killed him last week.

How many more dead American kids is it going to take before Bush country will even admit that THESE PEOPLE fucked up?



Just give me a number...
so I’ll know when I can start talking again.
Sixth Army

Thursday, June 16, 2005

You Don't Have To Watch Dynasty...


I sat down the other day and watched about one hour of VH 1 Classics. For those of you who don’t know, VH 1 Classics is a digital cable station who specializes in old music videos. Usually the different hours have different themes like “Super Seventies” or “Metal Mania” etc.

Well the show I watched was “the Golden Age” of this limited art form, focusing on the 1980s. As I watched, I must say I had several “Oh Snap” moments with the grand jaw drop going to “Hold Me Now” by the Thompson Twins. The video was nothing out of the ordinary for that time period; Three English performers (Black guy on bass) in ludicrous fluorescent colored hairdos, lip-synching to a soulless synthesized piece of pop.

No, the video itself didn’t bother me. What I found truly disturbing is the fact that at one time I really liked this song. I was part of that whole scene that through objective eyes looks, more than ridiculous, but down right awful.

I know. I know. I was just a teenager, young and foolish, and that kind of music was popular at the time (Actually somewhat cutting edge!!!) so I shouldn’t be too hard on myself for showing such a lapse of musical understanding.


I grew up listening to the Beatles; I knew what good music sounded like!

So, I throw myself at the mercy of the court and plead guilty to the crime of not knowing my ass from my elbow twenty years ago. No excuses. It is indefensible.


Just look at this guy

On a much more positive note, on the same show, the video for the Prince song Kiss came on. If you have never seen that video it basically involves a half naked Prince gyrating his hips and withering around on the floor with a half-naked unnamed actress. In other words, pretty much like every other film, video and concert Prince has ever been involved with.

So why do I say positive in my description?

Well, as I was watching this model running her hands up and down Prince’s chest and Prince retorting by dry humping her naked leg, it dawned on me that this song was popular in 1986 and 1987. Do you remember what was going on at that time?

The height of the aids epidemic where people were afraid to even shake hands
The Reagan Administration who considered pot smokers to be “evil”
The Moral Majority who thought the idea of having sex was unnatural.

I have never been a big Prince fan, his idiosyncrasies having made him too remote and his on-going contract disputes really sinking his commercial career. But I will say one thing. It takes a certain kind of person to stand up in the face of overwhelming pressure, ignoring "conventional establishment wisdom" and be bold enough to simply point out a basic truth.

A person, twenty years later, who deserves some respect.

You don’t believe me?

Just compare the artistic joy and physical sensuality of “Kiss” with the ultra sterility of “Hold Me Now.”

Your call, hot shot.
Sixth Army

Friday, June 03, 2005

Will Someone Please Think Of The Children?



Adorable Linden the Cat.

Available for adoption

The Artemis Project
New York, NY


Linden the Cat

Tabby Mix
Size: Medium
Age: Young
Sex: Male

Notes: Sweet loving Linden was found in Forest Hills with a collection of severed mouse and pigeon heads he was using as bedding. He is a mellow guy who has lived his one year of life at a vet where he has become a real favorite to show to unsuspecting prospective adoptive parents. When he is not going through “over the top” convulsions, Linden loves using laps as his own personal scratching post & he loves to purr while he is assaulting anybody, or anything, that he feels is “violating his personal space.” Linden needs a special person I.E. someone who does not expect ANY companionship from their pet, because he's a special needs cat. Could it be you or, to put it another way, are you a trained defiblirator technician? If you adopt Linden you are not merely getting a ”pet,” but you will be taking possession of a beautiful animal who is much more like a tenant. A disgruntled, unemployed, lodger who has nothing but contempt and derision for the “landlord” while constantly breaking the plumbing. If you are interested in this fantastic feline, please contact us. For the love of God, PLEASE contact us!!!!.

This pet is: up to date with routine shots, already house trained, altered

This pet is eligible for a gift of the first month of ShelterCare pet insurance paid for by
For more information on pet insurance please visit us online at or call 1-866-375-PETS.

Do your good deed for the day.
Sixth Army